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Writing Skills Sell

Writing is one of my core skills.

It needs to be one of yours.

And you need to take feedback graciously. I’ve been writing most of my adult life. Yet I welcome feedback. I know writing can always be improved.

When I write something, I like to bounce it off an audience. I ask my team members to review it. I’m not possessive about my first drafts and you don’t have to be either.

Also, although writing is my core skill, I promise you that I do not pretend to know everything about writing. Neither can you.

Think about the challenge. More than 600,000 words exist in the English language; plus 200,000 technical words. Then there’s the grammar. You can’t know it all. In fact, if you’re a professional writer, you will own reference books. Many reference books. Tricky issues abound. Professional writers and editors often debate editing quandaries and disagree on solutions.

E.g., Is the word “Gen X” a singular entity or a plural entity? If a member of the boom generation is a boomer, would a member of Gen-X be a Gen-Xer? Hmmm. Not so easy, is it?

Take writing seriously and grab any opportunity to learn more about the skill and craft of writing.

Take writing training. You will lose nothing by learning to write well. And you could gain a lot! (P.S. And you can start a sentence with “And.” Writers have been doing it for centuries!)

Writing Dynamics

What is one of your biggest writing challenges?
Is English your second language? What do you find most challenging when writing in your second language?

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